Nym Editing’s Services

The denotation of various editing services is like local variations of pizza: everyone has their own take on what is and isn’t a pizza (or pizza topping). 🍕 My copy editing pizza may differ from another editor’s copy editing pizza, though they’ll probably include the same basic ingredients.

Be sure to read what I consider for each service!

Copy Editing

A copy edit (sometimes called a copyedit or copy-edit, hence the local variations) is a technical and rules-based approach to editing your manuscript. I follow the Chicago Manual of Style to ensure your project is consistent — and in the editing world, everything is done right if it’s done consistently.

For a copy edit, I perform tasks like:

  • Verify spelling, punctuation, capitalization

  • Remove redundancies

  • Ensure consistency in capitalization and treatment of terms (For instance, is your character’s name Dawna or Donna? Do you call them high elves or High Elves?)

  • Fact check information

Copy editing is your line of defense ensuring everything is technically correct; it makes work more professional!

Price: $00.025/word (For example, $1,250 for 50,000 words)

Line Editing

My clients tell me they learn the most from line editing.

While copy editing spares you from more glaring mistakes, line editing grows your writing skills and improves your project in a more holistic fashion. Copy editing will ensure your project is technically correct; line editing will improve your project stylistically.

A line edit focuses on the sentence and paragraph level to improve your clarity, flow, style, and emotional impact. Some tasks I do for this service are:

  • Remove filler words

  • Vary sentence structure

  • Ensure consistency in characterization and POV

  • Suggest word and sentence choices

  • Balance showing and telling

The great thing about purchasing a line editing package is you can carry what you learn forward into new projects and strengthen your writing.

Price: $00.035/word (For example, $1,750 for 50,000 words)

Line and Copy Editing Package

Want to book both with me? I offer a 15% discount for a packaged deal! This package comes with two editing passes: the first is the line edit, the next is the copyedit.

If you request a sample edit, I’ll make both line editing and copy editing suggestions unless you specify otherwise. That way, you can see which will be the best fit for your project.